Board Meeting Minutes 6-7-2011

Board Members and Officers

  • President – Mark Jones
  • Vice President – Janet Cummings
  • Treasurer – Brenda Campbell- not present
  • Secretary – Ron Alford
  • Board Member – Don Nelson

Other attendees– Bill and Lois Foster, Kim Loy, Chris Richardson, Pete Cummings, Scott Reston and Greg Wiggs

Download these minutes in PDF format.

Meeting called to order by President Mark Jones beginning at 7:00 pm and adjourned at 7:55 pm

Presidents Corner– updates and reports- Mark Jones presented information and concerns on maintenance of the pool property:

Mark Jones stated that a pool cover has been selected will be ordered in May 2011 and installed at the end of the pool season in 2011 and that the HOA’s current pool maintenance contractor, Scuba Clean, will coordinate and complete the project.

Mark Jones also stated that the pool passed city inspections and was opened the middle of May 2011 and would remain open into September or later if the weather permits. Mark also stated that he is doing one of the pool readings each day and Scuba Clean is doing the other reading. He stated that this saves approximately $1,000 annually. Don Nelson, Board Member, volunteered to be a back-up if needed.

Mark indicated that Logan Landscaping out of Wake Forest, but with a business location in Raleigh, completed the landscaping needs for the community and a cost savings compared to previous vendors. The plan is to establish a yearly contract with this company to insure continuity of services.

Homeowners have noted an intruder in the pool area- a young boy from Allyson Pond who was seeking refuge on our community property. He was informed that he could not hide on our property and that the authorities would be notified if this activity continued; no further disturbances have been noted.

A request was made from a homeowner that we have key locks placed on the bathroom doors that are the same as the gate key. The request will be researched as to the cost.

An additional request was made by a homeowner regarding the cost of installing a salt water system for the pool. The Board previously discussed and completed some research on this idea, but did not make a final decision. Corrosion of the plumbing combined with the additional construction and equipment costs were some of the factors under consideration. It was decided that the Board would ask the representative from Scuba Clean to provide us some estimates for purchase and installation. Once the Board obtains that estimate, we agreed to discuss the feasibility of proceeding or not.

Vice President’s Corner– updates and reports of upcoming events:

Janet Cummings, Vice President, reported that the HOA sponsored the 2011 Easter Extravaganza on April 16th from 2:00pm to 4:00 pm at the Pool parking lot. Featured were face painters from as well as an Easter Egg Hunt in adjoining homeowner’s yards. Homeowners volunteered to assist Amy Powell and Janet Cummings with the event and it was a success.

The Vice President also reminded all homeowners to keep their lawns cut and their respective properties appearing in a presentable and pleasant looking fashion by keeping “stuff” out of sight. There was a spirited discussion regarding this issue and opinions were honored and expressed.

Janet Cummings and other attendees agreed that the Pig Pickin held last year was a success and tentative plans were established for the HOA host that event in 2011- probably towards the end of September or early October 2011.

Discussion was held regarding damages to homes by weather, fire, etc and whether the HOA could get involved in expediting repairs in order to restore the appropriate appearance in our neighborhood.

It was discussed that pet owners must be conscientious about cleaning up after their pets, especially if it involves the property of other homeowners. We realize that there are neighbors from adjoining neighborhoods who walk their pets through our streets and by our homes. Some do not clean up after their pets. If we see that happening, we should politely ask those visitors to clean up after their pets.

Treasurer’s Corner– updates and reports:

Brenda Campbell, Treasurer, was not present at this meeting, but asked the Secretary to present the HOA Financial Summary through 6-7-2011. Copies of the report were presented to the attendees of the meeting. Discussion was held and there were no major concerns or problems. The report noted that 105 of 115 homeowners have submitted their 2011 HOA Dues.

New Business

Board Members and homeowners present agreed that a summer newsletter should be sent to all homeowners within the next few weeks with reminders and announcements to keep homeowners up to date on events and our mutual responsibilities as good stewards of our neighborhood.

HOA Board Actions:

The Board did not vote on any new activities or actions.

HOA Members Meeting Times:

Homeowners are encouraged to attend HOA meetings. Our upcoming meetings are scheduled for the following dates:
August 2nd, October 4th and December 6th 2011. All meetings start at 7:00 pm and the locations of the meetings will be in the neighborhood (usually at the pool) and, if at a different location, it will be noted on the neighborhood signs.

Respectfully submitted,
Ron Alford- Secretary- Harps Mill Woods HOA
June 8th, 2011

Board Meeting Minutes 4-15-2011

Board Members and Officers

  • President – Mark Jones
  • Vice President – Janet Cummings
  • Treasurer – Brenda Campbell
  • Secretary – Ron Alford
  • Board Member – Don Nelson

Meeting called to order by President Mark Jones beginning at 7:00 pm and adjourned at 8:30 pm

Presidents Corner– updates and reports- Mark Jones presented information and concerns on maintenance of the pool property:

After a review of the three bids for a pool cover, the Board agreed on contacting Scuba Clean to obtain a current projected cost and time schedule for a 2011 installation of a pool cover. Brenda Campbell, Treasurer, reviewed the “Winter Maintenance” costs including water bill, electricity costs and maintenance fees. After presentation and discussion of those various costs, the Board concluded that it would take less than 1 year of cost savings to pay for a high quality pool cover. The Board agreed that Mark Jones, President, would contact the owner of Scuba Clean to inform them of the Association’s intent on ordering a pool cover and contracting with them for installation.

Mark Jones also recommended that the Board approve the installation of “key in and key out” deadbolt locks on the two bathroom doors and pump room door at the pool for off season security purposes.

City inspectors have reiterated that the height of the fence surrounding the pool must measure 4 feet from ground to the top of the fence. Our fence meets those requirements. The mulch depth around the fence needs to be reduced to keep the height according to the new regulations. Don and Mark agreed to correct this height to avoid a delay in the opening of the pool in May 2011.

Vice President’s Corner– updates and reports of upcoming events:

Janet Cummings, Vice President, reported that the HOA would be supporting and sponsoring the 2011 Easter Extravaganza, which will be held on April 16th from 2:00pm to 4:00 pm at the Pool parking lot. Featured will be two face painters from as well as an Easter Egg Hunt in adjoining homeowner’s yards. Homeowners have volunteered to assist Amy Powell with the event.

The Vice President also reminded all homeowners to keep their lawns cut and their respective properties appearing in a presentable and pleasant looking fashion.

Treasurer’s Corner– updates and reports:

Brenda Campbell, Treasurer, presented an updated 2011 Harps Mill Woods HOA Financial Summary report. The report reflected that the Current Balance of the Reserve Account is $21,501.00. The report reflected that 99 of 115 homeowners have paid their 2011 HOA dues. She stated that there are two homes that are three years behind on their dues and that liens will be place on those properties. The Treasurer expects that the remaining thirteen homeowners will pay the 2011 HOA dues.

The Treasurer stated that the 2010 Federal income taxes for the HOA were paid totaling .70 with income derived from the Association’s interest bearing account. In fact, the Treasurer puts all incoming monies in the Association’s interest bearing account initially and then transfers’ money to the primary checking account when bill paying is required. The purpose is to earn as much interest on the homeowners’ money as possible throughout the fiscal year.

The Treasurer confirmed that the 2009 Financial Review was completed without concern and the 2010 Review is being conducted now.

New Business

Don Nelson, Board Member, alerted the Board that he has received multiple complaints from homeowners regarding speeding on our streets and that the violators are other homeowners. He urged caution to all homeowners that we must all be considerate of our neighbors and be cognizant that we have children and pets in our neighborhood. The Board agreed that if this type of negligent behavior continues that the local police will be asked to address the problem with the specific violators.

Don Nelson also asked that the Board consider having two signs placed at the neighborhood’s two entrances ( Milltrace Run and Harps Mill Woods Run) stating “SLOW Children At Play”

HOA Board Actions:

The Board voted and approved of the purchase of a pool cover as discussed above.

The Board voted and approved of the repair of the bathroom door locks at the pool house, as well as the purchase and installation of “key in and key out” dead bolt locks on the bathroom and chemical room doors. The purpose in this is for further security and to deter vandalism during the off season.

HOA Members Meeting Times:

Homeowners are encouraged to attend HOA meetings. Our upcoming meetings are scheduled for the following dates:
June 7th, August 2nd, October 4th and December 6th 2011. All meetings start at 7:00 pm and the locations of the meetings will be in the neighborhood (usually at the pool) and, if at a different location, it will be noted on the neighborhood signs.

Respectfully submitted,
Ron Alford- Secretary- Harps Mill Woods HOA
April 5th 2011

2011 Annual HOA Meeting Minutes

Board Members and Officers

  • President – Mark Jones
  • Vice President – Janet Cummings
  • Treasurer – Brenda Campbell
  • Secretary – Ron Alford
  • Board Member – Jon Lee

Other homeowners represented:  7

  1. Meeting called to order by President Mark Jones beginning at 7:30 pm- President Mark Jones called the meeting to order with a quorum of homeowners present. The minutes of the February 2010 Annual Meeting were presented and approved by the homeowners.
  2. Overview of the contents of the January 8th 2011 Annual Letter- Secretary- Ron Alford, Secretary and Board Member reviewed the contents of the Annual Letter which summarized the events and issues of 2010. Attendees acknowledged receipt of the information and had no objections and or questions to the information.
  3. Overview of approved 2011 HOA Budget for 2011- Treasurer- Brenda Campbell, Treasurer and Board Member presented in written form the 2010 and projected 2011 Budget figures to the attendees of the meeting. The treasurer answered questions and emphasized that the focus of the upcoming year was to keep within the limits set for the overall expenditures during 2011 and not tap into the Capital Reserve account balance.  This is a departure from several years of knowing that there was money available to easily cover any overages.
  4. Snow Removal/Emergency Communications- Treasurer- Brenda Campbell, Treasurer and Board Member presented her ideas and actions regarding snow removal from the streets of our community during the recent snow storms. She engaged a private vendor who cleans the Food Lion parking lot to come to our community for a reasonable hourly rate ($150.00/hour) to clear our community streets in order to provide a safe passageway for our homeowners. The vendor was able to clear the streets of our neighborhood in one hour. It was confirmed by the meeting attendees that this was an excellent expenditure of funds within our budget to enhance the safety and mobility of our residents. In addition, the Board members and attending homeowners thought that it was essential that as a neighborhood we have a plan for communicating with each other during emergencies, i.e. power outages, winter storms, etc. the consensus was that we have an effective “neighborhood watch” program already in place and that we have a spirit of concern for each other and when there is an emergency that we do look after each other automatically.
  5. 2011 Events for Homeowners-Easter, Halloween, Pool party, etc- Vice President- Janet Cummings, Vice President and Board Member reviewed the 2010 community events and proposed the continuation of same and similar events for the New Year. We had a Pig Pickin in 2010 and it was confirmed that that event was a success in bringing homeowners together for another social event. Mark Jones agreed that he would be pleased to be the leader in having that event again in 2011.
  6. Pool Service Contract with Crystal Clear Swimming Pools renewed for 2011- President-Mark Jones
    • Discussion about converting pool to a salt water system- Board members, attendees and Jerry Leone discussed the pros and cons of considering converting our pool to a salt water solution. It was decided that we as homeowners and Board members would continue to explore and gather information about the advantages and disadvantages of the conversion including the costs and short and long term benefits.
    • A discussion occurred regarding the purchase of a pool cover for winter/off season time period- The Board has two bids at this time, both vendors offering to install a Merlin mesh cover with costs ranging from $2900 to $3200. It was concluded by the attending homeowners that the purchase of a pool cover would be cost effective and should be implemented as soon as possible. It was confirmed that this would be done for the 2011 Fall/winter season. Currently, we spend approximately $3,960.00 for Winter Maintenance. With the installation of a pool cover, this expense would be eliminated. However, we do not have the actual cost of pool cover removal and the cleaning and balancing of the pool chemicals in the Spring, but we are assured by our current pool servicer that the costs would be much less than the current Winter Maintenance fees and that it would be economically beneficial to install a pool cover
  7. Election of 2 Board Members- Two Board Members were nominated and confirmed by the meeting attendees. Don Nelson and Mark Jones were selected for three year terms to the Harps Mill Woods Homeowners Association.
  8. The meeting was adjourned by President Mark Jones. A meeting of the Board was conducted after the 2011 Annual Homeowners Meeting and officers were elected. President- Mark Jones, Vice President- Janet Cummings, Secretary- Ron Alford, Treasurer- Brenda Campbell and new Board Member- Don Nelson

Board Meeting Minutes 12-07-2010

Board Members in Attendance:

  • President – Mark Jones – Absent
  • Vice President – Janet Cummings- present
  • Treasurer – Brenda Campbell- present
  • Secretary – Ron Alford- present
  • Board Member – Jon Lee- present

Additional homeowners in attendance:  Bobby and Barbara Mayton, Laura McCarthy, Lois Foster, John Booker and Pete Cummings

Guest Speaker: Garrett Dysart- Account Manager from American Pool Service

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Janet Cummings at 7:00 pm. The minutes from the October 5th 2010 HOA meeting were previously approved prior to the meeting and posted on the web-site.

Officers Reports:


Mark Jones was unable to make the meeting in person, but did provide the 2011 Pool Service Contract from Crystal Clear Swimming Pools with documented projected annual costs at $9,709 and asked the Secretary to present copies to Board members for their records, review and discussion.

Vice President

Janet Cummings reiterated the need to have the proposed shrubbery placed along the pool fence on the bank side

Janet reminded the board that some regular maintenance needs to be contracted with a company to regularly trim the shrubs and trees at the neighborhood entrance (around the sign), instead of once a year. It would look better year round and be more inviting to prospective homeowners.


Brenda Campbell, HOA Treasurer, provided a copy of the 2010 budget through December 7th 2010 and stated that she would provide the 2011 Budget to the Board members by 12-11-2010 and requested any changes and approval by 12-14-2010. Brenda stated that the new budget would make allowances for at least two home owners not being able to pay their dues, thus making the “Income” figures more actual and allowing for more accurate planning. The goal is for the Harps Mill Woods HOA Financial Summary to be as accurate as possible reflecting actual income and expenses.

New Business

Garrett Dysart, Account Manager with American Pool Service Inc came to the meeting to discuss a proposed pool service contract for the HOA pool. Mr. Dysart included a changeover to a salt water system, which supposedly is more efficient to operate, easier on the human body, less corrosive on pool equipment and easier to maintain. Multiple questions were asked and answered and there was significant interest in the concept.

A written document was provided to the Board by Mr. Dysart with an offer for changes and flexibility in a final draft. An annual cost was documented at $8750, but there were specifics of the contract that raised more questions and possible undocumented costs to the HOA.


The results was that the Board and the attending members were interested in knowing more about this type of service and that we needed to gather more information for comparison and cost analysis. On the surface and on paper, it appeared that there might be some savings in changing our pool service provider, but we want to gather more information before making such a major decision.

For example, our current pool service company recommended a pool cover at an approximate cost of $4,000, which would result in the elimination of our current pool “Winter Maintenance” charges of $3,690.

Mr. Dysart from American Pool Service discussed the same idea, but quoted an approximate cost of $7,000 for a cover, which would also reduce their “Winter Maintenance” costs to the HOA. So, as a Board representing the Homeowners, we need to gather more information about services and proposals. We want to obtain information from “References/Current Customers” receiving services from American Pool Service and or other companies who offer salt water systems and the costs of the required maintenance.

It was reiterated that we have had excellent service from Crystal Clear Pool Service and that they have gone “over and above” on several occasions during the years to keep our pool safe and within Code without unexpected and or hidden costs. Throughout the years, calls were initiated by a Board Member to other pool service companies to obtain estimates for comparable services. The results of the inquiries were that Crystal Clear Pool has an excellent reputation in their service area and that their costs are reasonable for the services that they provide.

Annual Meeting will be at 7:00 pm on February 1st 2011 at the Golden Corral Restaurant

The meeting was adjourned by Vice President Janet Cummings at approximately 8:30 pm.

Board Meeting Minutes 10-5-2010

Board Members in Attendance:

  • President – Mark Jones
  • Vice President – Janet Cummings
  • Treasurer – Brenda Campbell
  • Secretary – Ron Alford
  • Board Member – Jon Lee

Additional homeowners in attendance: Gregory Wiggs and Sam McGarvey

The meeting was called to order by President Mark Jones at 7:00 pm. The minutes from the August 3rd 2010 HOA meeting were approved.

Officers Reports:


Mark indicated that he was pleased with the community support and attendance (40 to 50) at the Pig Pickin’ and recommended a repeat for next season.

Mark stated that he obtained an estimate on the cost of the Holly bushes ($8.00 to $12.00/bush) for the pool from Troy Olsen. It was estimated that we would need 12 bushes. Mark agreed to get an estimate on the total cost of the bushes and planting the bushes.

Mark indicated that Troy Olsen trimmed the bank of weeds behind the pool this pool season on a monthly basis for a total of five times at a total cost of $250.00.It was noted that by keeping the bank clean, we did not have as much of a problem with insects and ticks as before.

Mark indicated that he would get an estimate of the cost of pea gravel for the walkway.

Mark indicated that the pool was closed October 3rd, 2010 and that the plumbing would be drained and cut-off by 10-9-2010 and pool furniture stored from the weather.

Vice President

Janet Cummings informed the meeting attendees that one of our homeowners planned a social gathering with friends recently and that the homeowner printed and dispensed written notices to the other homeowners on the street as a courtesy. This was proactive and considerate. Sam McGarvey indicated that the gathering was orderly and not a boisterous event and he appreciated the notice of the party from the homeowner.

As with this social gathering and other homeowner parties, we must all remain conscious of the lack of space that our neighborhood has for visitor parking. As a Board, we do not want to discourage homeowners from having gatherings of friends and family members in their homes. With the holiday season coming forth, we will have and welcome friends and family members visiting our homes and neighborhood.

AS A REMINDER, please park in your driveways first, secondly, use the pool parking lot for overflow parking and thirdly use on-street parking.

A SUGGESTION, if you use on-street parking for an overflow of guests, try to have them park on the same side of the street so that emergency vehicles have room to pass safely.

THE REASON WHY, Gregory Wiggs, homeowner and volunteer fireman, stated that the typical fire truck is eleven feet WIDE and with our narrow streets the fire truck cannot pass when there are cars parked on both sides of the street. For a typical emergency such as a house fire, FIVE EMERGENCY VEHICLES COME TO THE SCENE. All of us as homeowners must be conscious of these facts and make sure that we are not creating a barrier to a fellow home owner being able to have emergency care, if needed.

The Board agreed to put this reminder in the annual letter and Gregory Wiggs, volunteer fireman, agreed to speak to the importance of this subject at our Annual Meeting.

For those homeowners who are interested in the Wake County/Raleigh City parking regulations, you can link to the following website link for that information:,0


Brenda Campbell, HOA Treasurer, provided a copy of and reviewed the budget balances of the 10-15-2010 Treasurers Report. Brenda continues to communicate with the few homeowners delinquent on their 2010 HOA dues and is encouraged that most will be able to meet their obligation.

Brenda indicated that we received a notice from Wake County Government reflecting new regulations for pool fencing. It is the Board’s belief that we meet the new standards, but Jon Lee suggested and the rest of the Board agreed that we be proactive and have the Wake County Government officer inspect our fencing as soon as possible to ensure that we are in compliance before our next pool season.

Brenda complimented and thanked our past Treasurer, Jon Lee, for putting the HOA bills on auto draft. It is efficient and makes the accounting process easier to manage.

Brenda requested that we have a tree removal expert estimate the removal cost of those trees on the HOA common properties that are dead and need to be removed. The HOA President, Mark Jones, stated that he would arrange that estimate.

Brenda asked if there were any other budget needs different from our regular expenses. Mark indicated that we may need to consider replacing a few of the pool side lounges that are not repairable.

Brenda will contact Jason at the DOH about clearing accumulated debris by 540 that has created a dam for the rain runoff, which overflows into homeowner yards.

New Business

Annual Meeting will be on February 1st 2011 at the Golden Corral Restaurant.

Ron and Charlene Alford will check into the cost of the materials for holiday luminaries for this season and report to Janet Cummings, Vice President.

Ron Alford, Secretary of HOA, will send out another bulk email asking homeowners if there is an interest in having some progressive dinners with each other.
Board agreed to have walls of pool bathrooms painted before the 2011 pool season.

The meeting was adjourned by Mark Jones at approximately 8:00 pm.

The next meeting will be on December 7th 2010 at 7:00pm at the Golden Corral Restaurant at 2909 E. Millbrook.


Board Meeting Minutes 8-3-2010

Board Members in Attendance:

  • President – Mark Jones
  • Vice President – Janet Cummings
  • Treasurer – Brenda Campbell
  • Secretary – Ron Alford
  • Board Member – Jon Lee

Additional homeowners in attendance: Lois Foster, Kim Loy and Pete Cummings

The meeting was called to order by President Mark Jones at 7:00 pm. The minutes from the June 8th 2010 HOA meeting were approved.

Officers Reports:


  • Mark indicated that the “No Trespassing” signs were received and put into place by Ron Alford and that there had been positive responses from homeowners regarding the addition of the signs.
  • Mark installed a lock on the motion light switch at the pool, which insured that the motion lights remain active at all times until the Board changes the policy.
  • Mark indicated that Troy Olsen was trimming the bank of weeds behind the pool on a monthly basis
  • Shrubbery will be planted during the Fall of 2010 along the back fence of the pool matching existing shrubbery along the adjacent sides.
  • Mark indicated that he would take care of getting some additional pebbles for the pathway before the Fall.

Vice President

  • The Board indicated a continued need for the HOA to re-activate the Architectural Committee. This committee would be responsible for establishing structural changes requested by homeowners. Once the standards are established by the Architectural Committee, they would present such to the Board for review, discussion and approval. The Architectural Committee should consist of homeowners not on the Board. Three homeowners volunteered at this meeting to serve on the Architectural Committee, including Kim Loy, Pete Cummings and Lois Foster. A suggestion was made that no more than five members be assigned to the Architectural Committee, ideally, at least one representative from each street in the Association. Since all of the homes have been constructed in our development, most modifications are fences, decks and porches, storage buildings, etc. Currently, the President and Vice President provide the reviews and suggestions for consistency in the neighborhood. The goal is to have more of the homeowners in our neighborhood participating in the suggestions and decisions for improvement and in our neighborhood. The Board will continue to discuss this idea in future meetings.
  • Janet and Pete Cummings developed a printed flyer announcing the upcoming “Pig Pickin” and pool party scheduled for September 11th 2010 beginning at 1:00 pm. The flyers will be hand delivered to each homeowner in the neighborhood as well as emailed to those residents on our email list within the next 10 days. The flyer will also be posted on the HOA website. RSVP’s are required so that we can plan on the needed quantity of pig, slaw and soft drinks. Families by alphabet are designated to bring side dishes or desserts.


  • Brenda Campbell reviewed the budget balances for the 8-3-2010 Treasurers Report. Brenda has had good success in calling and emailing those homeowners who have not yet paid their 2010 HOA dues. was determined that it is not cost effective to place liens on properties of late payers, unless the property owner is behind at least two years. We have 8 properties that are still past due for 2010 and 2 that owe for 2009 and 2010. Interest is charged on late accounts. More severe action to collect past due account can be used including a property lien. Brenda will provide further details to the board on all legal options available for collecting on overdue accounts and their associated costs by the next meeting for consideration. Any homeowner with questions about their HOA dues account should contact Brenda Campbell directly.

New Business

  • We will have a tent, several tables and coolers in place for the upcoming “Pig Pickin” on September 11th 2010.
  • Amy Powell has volunteered to coordinate some pool games for the children during the event. If there are other neighbors who want to volunteer to help, please contact Janet Cummings at 872-0591 or at

The meeting was adjourned by Mark Jones at approximately 8:00 pm.

The next meeting will be on October 5th 2010 at 7:00pm. Depending on the weather, we will decide at a date closer to the meeting date on the place of the meeting.

Board Meeting Minutes 6-8-2010

Board Members in Attendance:

  • President – Mark Jones
  • Vice President – Janet Cummings
  • Treasurer – Brenda Campbell
  • Secretary – Ron Alford
  • Board Member – Jon Lee (not present)

Additional homeowners in attendance: Lois Foster

The meeting was called to order by President Mark Jones at 7:00 pm. The minutes from the April 12th 2010 HOA meeting were approved.

Officers Reports:


  • Mark Jones reported that the pool was up fitted with all of the newly required modifications, passed city inspections and was opened in May 2010.
  • As a part of the pool modifications, a new paint was used, which should last 10 years instead of the normal 5 year period.
  • Mark asked that we obtain estimates for at least three metal signs to be placed at or near the pool which indicate that the pool use is for homeowners and or their guests. All others will be asked to leave and considered trespassers who will be charged accordingly. Ron Alford agreed to obtain some estimates for the signs.
  • Mark stated that the bathroom floors at the pool were painted and we would plan to get the walls painted by the next season.
  • Mark requested a lock box be installed for the motion light switch at the pool.
  • Mark indicated that he would contact Troy Olsen about trimming the bank of weeds behind the pool, ideally on a monthly basis. – “He is scheduled to come monthly during the pool season”
  • Shrubbery would be planted during the Fall of 2010 along the back fence of the pool matching existing shrubbery along the adjacent sides.
  • Mark indicated that he was getting an estimate on the cost for some additional pebbles for the pathway.

Vice President

  • Janet Cummings indicated a need for the HOA to re-activate the Architectural Committee. This committee would be responsible for evaluating proposed structural changes requested by homeowners. Since all of the homes have been constructed in our development, most modifications are fences, decks and porches, storage buildings, etc. Currently, the President and Vice President provide the reviews and suggestions for consistency in the neighborhood. It was agreed that those homeowners who are familiar with previously established standards for home modifications would research and document those standards and bring them to the August 2010 Board Meeting for discussion.

    The Board would then decide on whether there is a need for re-activating the

    Architectural Committee and ask for volunteers to serve on the committee.

  • Janet also suggested that we combine the September Pool Party for the children and the Pig Pickin and have it on Saturday, September 11th 2010. It was agreed that the HOA would provide the Pig, slaw; soft drinks, plates, plastic ware and party favors for the children. The homeowners will be asked to bring a covered dish.
  • Janet and Brenda indicated that the annual liability insurance was paid for 2010 and a copy of the policy is on file.


  • Brenda Campbell reviewed the budget balances for the 6-7-2010 Treasurers Report.
  • Brenda has been in contact with the Dept of Highways about the continuing beavers issue along 540. Earlier this spring another dam created standing water behind specific properties on Harps Mill Woods Run. Brenda and Mark will be reviewing drainage near this area to see if it is related and what action needs to be taken.
  • Brenda will be calling those homeowners who have not yet paid their 2010 HOA dues and requesting payment as soon as possible. Interest charges will be added to late payers. A few homeowners are two or more years behind in payments and liens will be placed on the properties in question before sending out new notices with updated interest charges. She will also investigate the cost and procedures for placing liens on properties that are 2 or more years behind in payments.

New Business

  1. A motion was made, seconded and the vote was unanimous to not permit non- HOA members to pay for use of the pool. The pool is to be enjoyed and used by the homeowners and their guests.
  2. The home at 7833 Harps Mill Woods Run was sold and the new owners are in the process of completing inside renovations.
  3. The home at 8633 Harps Mill has been rented and Mark will visit the renter, provide the Rules for the use of the Pool and a pool key.
  4. Pool keys are not to be given to non- HOA members in order to use the pool.
  5. “No trespassing” signs will be obtained and placed at and around the pool in at least three locations

The meeting was adjourned by Mark Jones at approximately 8:00 pm.

The next meeting will be on August 3rd 2010 at 7:00pm at the pool.

Board Meeting Minutes 4-13-2010

Board Members in Attendance:

  • President – Mark Jones
  • Vice President – Janet Cummings
  • Treasurer – Brenda Campbell (not present)
  • Secretary – Ron Alford
  • Board Member – Jon Lee (not present)

Additional homeowners in attendance:  Lois Foster, John Booker and Pete Cummings

The meeting was called to order by President Mark Jones at 7:00 pm. The minutes from the February 2nd 2010 HOA Annual meeting were approved.

Officer Reports:

  • President– Mark Jones provided a detailed report of the recent modifications and up fitting of the pool, which included a new paint job, new regulated drains and water supplier pipe covers. Mark presented written bids from three different companies. Scuba Clean was selected by Mark to perform the pool modifications. The costs for the modifications were $5500.00 to Scuba Clean and $300.00 to the required architectural firm. We are waiting for the Raleigh City Inspector to review all documents reflecting the changes and modifications to the pool. Upon the inspector’s review and approval, we will be allowed to open the pool at a time to be announced in the near future.
  • Mark announced that Troy Olsen would be trimming the bank behind the pool on a monthly basis at $50.00 per month. Troy will also trim the bushes around the front sign and mulch the Common areas as the season progresses on a one time basis.
  • Mark has been keeping the grass cut at 7844 Harps Mill Woods Run. It appears to the neighbors and other observers that the homeowners have left the property and that a realtor does not have a contract to sell the property. Ron Alford, Secretary, agreed to try to determine who holds the mortgage and contact them for assistance in property maintenance. A home across the street is for sale and a complaint was filed with the Board by a neighbor regarding yard maintenance. Mark Jones had cut the yard on one occasion. Ron Alford contacted the realtor and they agreed to have their crew keep the yard maintained, which they have begun.
  • Vice President– Janet Cummings reported that the community had an excellent Easter Party for families and children on March 20th 2010. Janet stated that we wanted to have a Pig Pickin this summer or early Fall for homeowners. A tentative date was set for September 18th 2010. Also, Janet mentioned that several families had mentioned a desire to have some progressive dinners. Janet was provided a list of interested families, so she will contact some of those families to form a committee to plan the event for interested families. Janet mentioned that we need to consider having the gravel pathway to the pool replenished with some additional pebbles. Mark Jones agreed to investigate that request and provide the Board a recommendation.
  • Secretary- Ron Alford provided the new Liability Insurance policy to the Vice President for her review and approval. Ron developed a memo to inform homeowners of parking on the street violations and it was used on a few occasions over the last 60 days. There was a positive response by homeowners of adherence to the bylaws regarding parking in the property.
  • Treasurer– Brenda Campbell was not able to attend the meeting due to an unforeseen conflict; however, she presented a recent treasurer’s report reflect budget and expenditures. That report is attached to the minutes for members (homeowners review).

New Business:


  1. Vice President, Janet Cummings, asked that if complaints are submitted to a Board Member(s) from a homeowner regarding specific issues, the Board Member(s) should address the issue directly with the homeowner and attempt to resolve the complaint. The homeowner who submits a complaint should be kept anonymous to the violator.
  1. Minutes for Board Meetings should be completed, reviewed and approved by the Board and posted on the web site within 10 days or before.
  1. If there are “unusual occurrences” witnessed in the neighborhood, i.e. storage PODS on homeowner’s property, visitors vehicles parked on the street; junk cars on the property, there should be a time limit for tolerance. A 30 day time period was suggested as reasonable before a Board Member speaks to the homeowner to ask for resolve.
  1. It was suggested that we consider appointing a three person Architectural Committee as mentioned in the Bylaws under Article 4. Discussion followed among the Board and homeowners who were present. A decision was not made at this meeting and the topic was left open for further discussion and decision. Currently, the President and one other Board Member have consulted with homeowners regarding their requests for architectural changes on their property. With homes built in the property and most major structural changes having been implemented to the homes, the most recent requests have been on fence construction or screened in porches and decks.
  1. It was suggested that we add contact phone numbers of Board Members to the website to provide another means of contact for the homeowners. There were no objections from those Board Members who were present.

The meeting began at 7:00 pm at the Golden Corral and was adjourned at 7:58 pm.

HOA Board Meeting Dates:

Board Meeting dates:

  • April 13th 2010
  • June 8th 2010
  • August 3rd 2010
  • October 5th 2010
  • December 7th 2010

Annual Meeting – Feb. 1, 2011

Treasurer Report 4-12-2010

The transition was completed from Jon Lee to Brenda Campbell after the Annual HOA meeting on February 2.  Our bank account signatures were updated to remove Jon Lee and add both Brenda Campbell and Ron Alford.  The post office box key was also transferred to Brenda Campbell.

General Update:

  • Corrected Budget item for Total Dues from $19,283 to $19,320.
  • Capital Reserve balance as of 3/31/10 is $28,895.09.
  • We have received $17,702.86 in dues payments so far, which is for 2010 and some prior outstanding balances. I will show the itemized interest breakout starting next month.
  • Outstanding dues remaining to be collected on 11 properties for 2010, 3 properties for 2009 & 2010 and  1 property owing back interest only.

Payments made 1st Quarter 2010:

Expense Category Payment To Amount Description
Accounting & Taxes IRS 5.58 2009 Taxes
Electric Progress Energy 177.06 Electric bills (pool & entrance) 1/27 – 2/24/10
Electric Progress Energy 192.30 Electric bills (pool & entrance) 12/28/09 – 1/27/10
Electric Progress Energy 166.21 Electric bills (pool & entrance) 2/24 – 3/29/10
General Maintenance & Repair Bill Campbell 79.74 Reimburse for Entrance Light purchase
Insurance Erie Insurance 1,322.00 Liability insurance policy renewal
Pool contract Crystal Clear Swimming Pools, Inc. 487.14 Maintenance 1/1-1/31/10
Pool contract Crystal Clear Swimming Pools, Inc. 440.00 Maintenance 2/1-2/28/10
Pool Paint & Mandated Upgrades Scuba Clean Pools Inc 2,500.00 Initial payment on drain replacement
Pool Paint & Mandated Upgrades Scuba Clean Pools Inc 3,000.00 Final payment for drain replacement and pool repainting
Pool Paint & Mandated Upgrades ASG Engineering 300.00 Required VGB inspection and certification for drain replacement
Pool permits Wake Co. Environmental Services 275.00 Annual Pool Permit
Social Amy Powell 140.46 Reimburse Easter Party expenses
US Postal Service Brenda Campbell 147.12 Reimburse for Annual Letter to Homeowners
Water City of Raleigh 155.61 Water/sewer for 12/1/09 – 2/2/10
Total Payment as of 4/12/2010 9,388.22

Itemized Budget balance as of 4/11/2010:

Harps Mill Woods Budget 2010 – As of 4/12/2010
Budget Actual Treasurer Comments
Dues rate 168.00 168.00
Total Dues 19,320.00 17,702.86
Interest 100.00
Total Income 19,420.00 17,702.86
Electric 2,300.00 535.57 For Service period: 12/28/09 – 3/29/10
Water 750.00 155.61 Water/sewer for 12/1/09 – 2/2/10
Common Area Landscaping 900.00
Mulch for Pool 1,000.00
General Improvements
General Maintenance & Repair 600.00 79.74 New Entrance Light
Pool phone 400.00
Pool contract 11,000.00 927.14 Jan & Feb maintenance invoices
Pool additional readings
Pool permits 300.00 275.00 Wake Co. permit
Pool supplies, chemicals 900.00
Pool repairs
Pool keys 100.00
Accounting & Taxes 375.00 5.58 Federal taxes 2009
Legal collections 200.00
Legal opinions
Management contract
Insurance 1,400.00 1,322.00 Policy premium – annual payment
Printing 100.00
US Postal Service 300.00 147.12 Annual Letter
Social 1,000.00 140.46 Easter Party
Capital reserve
Pool Paint & Mandated Upgrades 6,000.00 5,800.00 New certified drain & painting
Financial Review 100.00
Pig Pickin’
Pool Furniture
Web Site 100.00
Total Expense 27,825.00 9,388.22
Total Income minus Total Expense (8,405.00) 8,314.64