All meetings start at 7:00 pm and the location of the meetings will be in the neighborhood (usually at the pool) and, if at a different location, it will be noted on the neighborhood signs.
Author Archives: Scott Reston
HOA Board Meeting
All meetings start at 7:00 pm and the location of the meetings will be in the neighborhood (usually at the pool) and, if at a different location, it will be noted on the neighborhood signs.
HOA Board Meeting
All meetings start at 7:00 pm and the location of the meetings will be in the neighborhood (usually at the pool) and, if at a different location, it will be noted on the neighborhood signs.
HOA Board Meeting
All meetings start at 7:00 pm and the location of the meetings will be in the neighborhood (usually at the pool) and, if at a different location, it will be noted on the neighborhood signs.
Harps Mill Woods Spring Fling
Saturday, April 21th at the HMW pool parking lot.
Children will be making colorful tissue flowers and having their faces painted by Ebony Child Face Painting. We will have Easter egg hunts by age and in shifts, so be sure to be there at 2pm to not miss your hunt!
Be sure to bring your baskets for all the hidden eggs!
2012 Annual HOA Meeting
Board Meeting Minutes 12-6-11
Board Meeting Minutes 10-4-11
Board Meeting Minutes 8-9-2011
I’m posting these as PDFs this time. PDFs are handy if you want to print out the minutes. Email me at if you prefer the HTML version (in addition to PDFs).
Board Meeting Minutes 6-7-2011
Board Members and Officers
- President – Mark Jones
- Vice President – Janet Cummings
- Treasurer – Brenda Campbell- not present
- Secretary – Ron Alford
- Board Member – Don Nelson
Other attendees– Bill and Lois Foster, Kim Loy, Chris Richardson, Pete Cummings, Scott Reston and Greg Wiggs
Download these minutes in PDF format.
Meeting called to order by President Mark Jones beginning at 7:00 pm and adjourned at 7:55 pm
Presidents Corner– updates and reports- Mark Jones presented information and concerns on maintenance of the pool property:
Mark Jones stated that a pool cover has been selected will be ordered in May 2011 and installed at the end of the pool season in 2011 and that the HOA’s current pool maintenance contractor, Scuba Clean, will coordinate and complete the project.
Mark Jones also stated that the pool passed city inspections and was opened the middle of May 2011 and would remain open into September or later if the weather permits. Mark also stated that he is doing one of the pool readings each day and Scuba Clean is doing the other reading. He stated that this saves approximately $1,000 annually. Don Nelson, Board Member, volunteered to be a back-up if needed.
Mark indicated that Logan Landscaping out of Wake Forest, but with a business location in Raleigh, completed the landscaping needs for the community and a cost savings compared to previous vendors. The plan is to establish a yearly contract with this company to insure continuity of services.
Homeowners have noted an intruder in the pool area- a young boy from Allyson Pond who was seeking refuge on our community property. He was informed that he could not hide on our property and that the authorities would be notified if this activity continued; no further disturbances have been noted.
A request was made from a homeowner that we have key locks placed on the bathroom doors that are the same as the gate key. The request will be researched as to the cost.
An additional request was made by a homeowner regarding the cost of installing a salt water system for the pool. The Board previously discussed and completed some research on this idea, but did not make a final decision. Corrosion of the plumbing combined with the additional construction and equipment costs were some of the factors under consideration. It was decided that the Board would ask the representative from Scuba Clean to provide us some estimates for purchase and installation. Once the Board obtains that estimate, we agreed to discuss the feasibility of proceeding or not.
Vice President’s Corner– updates and reports of upcoming events:
Janet Cummings, Vice President, reported that the HOA sponsored the 2011 Easter Extravaganza on April 16th from 2:00pm to 4:00 pm at the Pool parking lot. Featured were face painters from as well as an Easter Egg Hunt in adjoining homeowner’s yards. Homeowners volunteered to assist Amy Powell and Janet Cummings with the event and it was a success.
The Vice President also reminded all homeowners to keep their lawns cut and their respective properties appearing in a presentable and pleasant looking fashion by keeping “stuff” out of sight. There was a spirited discussion regarding this issue and opinions were honored and expressed.
Janet Cummings and other attendees agreed that the Pig Pickin held last year was a success and tentative plans were established for the HOA host that event in 2011- probably towards the end of September or early October 2011.
Discussion was held regarding damages to homes by weather, fire, etc and whether the HOA could get involved in expediting repairs in order to restore the appropriate appearance in our neighborhood.
It was discussed that pet owners must be conscientious about cleaning up after their pets, especially if it involves the property of other homeowners. We realize that there are neighbors from adjoining neighborhoods who walk their pets through our streets and by our homes. Some do not clean up after their pets. If we see that happening, we should politely ask those visitors to clean up after their pets.
Treasurer’s Corner– updates and reports:
Brenda Campbell, Treasurer, was not present at this meeting, but asked the Secretary to present the HOA Financial Summary through 6-7-2011. Copies of the report were presented to the attendees of the meeting. Discussion was held and there were no major concerns or problems. The report noted that 105 of 115 homeowners have submitted their 2011 HOA Dues.
New Business
Board Members and homeowners present agreed that a summer newsletter should be sent to all homeowners within the next few weeks with reminders and announcements to keep homeowners up to date on events and our mutual responsibilities as good stewards of our neighborhood.
HOA Board Actions:
The Board did not vote on any new activities or actions.
HOA Members Meeting Times:
Homeowners are encouraged to attend HOA meetings. Our upcoming meetings are scheduled for the following dates:
August 2nd, October 4th and December 6th 2011. All meetings start at 7:00 pm and the locations of the meetings will be in the neighborhood (usually at the pool) and, if at a different location, it will be noted on the neighborhood signs.
Respectfully submitted,
Ron Alford- Secretary- Harps Mill Woods HOA
June 8th, 2011