The 2009 annual homeowners meeting will be held on February 3rd at 7pm at the Golden Corral at 2909 E. Millbrook Road (one block off Capital Boulevard).
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2009 HOA Annual Letter
Click here to download the 2009 HOA Annual Letter in PDF format.
Board Meeting Minutes 12/02/08
- President – MJ Jones (present)
- Vice President – Ron Alford (present)
- Treasurer – Jon Lee (present)
- Secretary – Brenda Campbell (absent)
- Board Member – Lois Foster (present)
The meeting was called to order by President Mark Jones. The minutes for the previous HOA meeting on October 7th 2008 were approved.
Old Business:
Landscaping – Walkway and steps between Harps Mill Woods and Mill Trace from the bridge to the pool were completed and the contractor was paid in full upon completion of the project. A bid for “pebble path restoration” was reviewed from Ron Bailey, contractor, Accurate Design, LLC. The specifics of Mr. Bailey’s proposal were discussed. Another bid will be requested from another contractor for comparison of costs. Specifics for payment methods will be requested in writing from the bidding contractors.
Financial – Treasurer Jon Lee presented the proposed budget for 2009. The only change was an addition of $1500.00 to the General Maintenance & Repair line item to cover the projected cost of the pathway restoration to be completed in early 2009. The budget was reviewed and approved.
Pool – The Board decided to request an additional number of pool keys (10 to 20) be cut by Busses Locksmith to have as spares prior to the summer season. Estimates have been requested to repair and replace the Pool bathroom door handles/locking mechanisms and the work will be completed prior to the opening of the pool in 2009. Estimation for replacement of swimming pool table tops were obtained from DAN Glass Company in Raleigh. The estimated cost was $189.13 plus $12.77 tax= $201.90 per table top. The NC Code requires the material to be tempered safety glass.
Communication – Two letters/notices will be sent out to all HOA members prior to the 2009 Annual Meeting on February 3rd 2008. One notice will be the billing for the 2009 HOA dues of $160.00. The second notice will be to announce the date and place of the Annual Meeting. Included in that letter will be an announcement that there are two vacancies on the HOA board and nominations will be accepted and voted on by the HOA members at the Annual Meeting. According to the Bylaws, the later notice will be mailed 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting.
New Business:
Pool – An estimate was requested from Ron Bailey, contractor, as to the cost to replace one of the pool spotlights with a double light unit with a sensor that would activate at night for the purpose of providing security lighting of the pool parking lot.
General Landscaping – No current concerns. Thanks to Bill and Lois Foster for the beautiful Christmas decorations on the subdivision sign.
Next Meeting: February 3, 2009 (Annual Meeting) at Golden Corral on Millbrook Road (off Capital Blvd.)
President Mark Jones closed the meeting with no further business needing to be discussed.
Board Meeting Minutes 10/7/08
- President – MJ Jones (present)
- Vice President – Ron Alford (present)
- Treasurer – Jon Lee (present)
- Secretary – Brenda Campbell (present)
- Board Member – Lois Foster (present)
- Homeowners present – John Booker, Anibal Lopes, Gregory Wiggs and Nabil Rahman
This meeting was called to order by MJ Jones at 7:05 pm, at Golden Corral.
Old Business:
Financial – Final information on estimates for 2009 budget will be needed for next meeting. We are still tracking to stay on budget for 2008, which includes spending about $2,000 more each year to reduce the capital account overages.
Pool – Furniture: Ron to have final cost estimates on table tops. MJ looking at cost of industrial grade umbrellas due to breakage. Bathrooms/Locks: Both knobs need to be replaced with easy release locks and NOT match to the main gate, as this presents a safety hazard for off-season use. Busse’s to be contacted for key pricing & lock replacements in 2009 budget.
Communication – Update mailing was sent to all 115 homeowners, with 60 returning information and only 3 returned to sender. Jon and Brenda will coordinate the maintenance of a common database file for all homeowner contact.
Lawn Maintenance – Only one complaint for high grass and homeowner was been contacted and grass was immediately cut.
New Business:
Pool – Pool is closed for the season. As in past years the phone has been turned off and will be returned to service next May. A motion light is needed for pool parking lot; MJ to get cost for 2009 budgeting. Bathroom floors need cleaning and screen on Men’s room needs replacement. A complete overhaul on cement cracks are pre-pool opening items for 2009.
Board Position Opening – There are currently 3 new homeowners that have submitted interest and background profiles to Lois for Annual meeting. They are: Nabil Rahman, Gary Moss and Wayne Holley. Profiles for all candidates will be sent with Annual Meeting letter in January. Mention of term limits to be added to the By Laws at the annual meeting is a possibility.
Communication – Separate ‘invoice’ will be sent immediately following the December meeting, when 2009 budget will be approved and annual dues are known. This effort is being made to improve the timeliness of dues payment. Website is a great tool, but posting items as links would improve printing abilities. Approval of 3-year domain name purchase was obtained and will be added to the 2009 budget.
Halloween Party – Amy Powell will again handle the coordination of a Halloween Carnival for the younger children. It will be held in the pool parking lot on October 31 beginning at 5:30 pm.
Landscaping – Pathway and steps between Harps Mill Woods and Mill Trace needs to be addressed for safety concerns. Ron Baily is a possibility, but other estimates will be gathered and require drawing and all costs, including a railing. Tree trimming on Paddle Wheel may involve the City of Raleigh if the trunk is between street and sidewalk. First contact should be with the homeowner.
Next Meeting: December 2, 2008 at Golden Corral on Millbrook Road (off Capital Blvd.)
Meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm.
Board Meeting
The HMW HOA will have its quarterly board meeting at the Golden Corral on East Millbrook near Capital Blvd. As always, all homeowners are welcome to attend.
October 7th, 2008 at 7pm
Board Meeting Minutes 8/5/08
- President – Carole Springfield (absent)
- Vice President – Ron Alford (present)
- Treasurer – Jon Lee (present)
- Secretary – Brenda Campbell (present)
- Board Member – MJ Jones (present)
- 14 Homeowners present
This meeting was called to order by Ron Alford at 7:05 pm, at Harps Mill Woods pool.
Old Business:
Financial – We have 1 home that owes for 2007 & 2008 and 1 home still owing for 2008. All others are up-to-date. Jon is posting monthly invoices with increasing interest. Once January 2009 hits, legal action will be worthwhile on 3 years past due home. All line items are on track not to exceed budgeted amounts.
Pool – Furniture: Only 1 umbrella left. All tables need table tops replaced due to breakage. Ron will follow-up with company who can custom cut Plexiglas tops for us. Bathrooms: MJ to adjust flushing issue in Women’s. Board is still getting estimates on new locks/doorknobs still progressing; Jon to follow-up.
New Business:
Lawn Maintenance – Grass too high: Board does have permission to act; however, written notice must be given and allow 30-days for homeowner to act. The quicker the board is made aware of problems, the sooner we can get notice to homeowner. Some homes are being cut at expense of HOA, others are getting help from neighborhood teenagers which are private agreements. * Homeowners in attendance expressed serious concerns about the look of yards and increased neglect regarding foreclosures. Board has agreed to post the full covenants for all homeowners on the website and encourage communication to us to keep on top of concerns.
Trash Removal – home at 7813 had trash pile in driveway for weeks before removed; now has abandoned car in driveway. Certified letter was sent to advise that if not removed will be towed.
Communication – Update letter to be mailed to homeowners before October to get updated contact information on homeowners, rental information and about publication to directory on the website.
* Homeowners feel the need to make annual letters bilingual to help reduce misunderstandings and clarify expectations to our Hispanic neighbors.
Pool – Mischief still continues and the need to re-key the main gate and have it match bathroom doors will be considered in the 2009 budget.
Board Position Opening – Carole Springfield has resigned her position as President with only a few months left to serve. MJ, as existing board member agreed to step in and take over her duties until the Annual Meeting in February. Vote was unanimous. Open board position was presented to all in attendance and Lois Foster agreed to accept fill this post for remainder of this year, and undertake a search for other potential candidates. Jon Lee announced that he was moving from the neighborhood, but retaining ownership of his home. He expressed interest in remaining on the board and his position as Treasurer, unless there were misgivings from other board members or homeowners in attendance. All agree that Jon is doing a great job and should remain in his position.
Next Meeting: October 7, 2008 at Golden Corral on Millbrook Road (off Capital Blvd.)
Meeting adjourned at 8:28 pm.
Board Meeting Minutes 6/10/08
- President – Carole Springfield (present)
- Vice President – Ron Alford (present)
- Treasurer – Jon Lee (present)
- Secretary – Brenda Campbell (present)
- Board Member – MJ Jones (present)
- Homeowners present – Lois Foster
This meeting was called to order by Carole Springfield at 7:06 pm.
Old Business:
Financial – Jon presented budget for review, with everything looking on target. There will be a new verification process for receipt of supplies, before payment. There are still 7 homeowners who owe dues for 2008 and have been billed interest. One homeowner owes for both 2007 & 2008. Jon will continue to send bills with interest.
Pool – The pool bathrooms need new locks to keep them from accidentally locking on exit. Ticks are back and the bushes along the back fencing need to be kept trimmed. MJ will spray for the ticks with chemicals purchased out of HOA funds. Ron and MJ will trim the bushes throughout the season.
Communication Improvements – A letter to request updated contact information for homeowner, as well as gather information such as owner/renter occupied and permission to post contact information on HMW website is being drafted by Jon. It should be ready for approval before the next meeting.
New Business:
Pool – The pool supplies ordered and quantities stocked were discussed and Carole volunteered to contact Crystal Clean Pools for answers.
Next Meeting: August 5, 2008 at Harp Mill Woods pool.
Meeting adjourned at 7:53 pm.
Board Meeting Minutes 4/8/08
Harps Mill Woods HOA, INC.
April 8, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes
- President – Carole Springfield (absent)
- Vice President – Ron Alford (present)
- Treasurer – Jon Lee (present)
- Secretary – Brenda Campbell (present)
- Board Member – MJ Jones (present)
- Homeowners present – Christine Jones, LaDonna Lee
This meeting was called to order by Ron Alford at 7:05 pm.
Old Business:
Financial – All job duties successfully transitioned as a result of annual meeting in February. Jon presented budget for review; taxes slightly higher than planned, but all other categories are on target with plans to improve method of tracking expenses. There are still 16 homeowners who owe dues for 2008 and have been billed two months interest. One homeowner owes for both 2007 & 2008. Jon will continue to send bills with interest.
Pool – The pool needs concrete repairs performed prior to opening inspection in May. MJ will work with the pool company to make sure these repairs are completed, as well as confirming opening schedule. An itemized bill for repair costs will be provided to Jon. Troy’s availability to provide the landscaping maintenance by the pool area is being confirmed with Carole. MJ has offered to provide this service, if necessary. MJ will provide 3rd daily chemical check with Brenda acting as backup during the season.
New Business:
Financial – Jon has registered our HOA on a website that is used by most Real Estate closing attorney’s to verify dues are paid-to-date. This will help provide a method of collecting outstanding dues when homeowners go to settlement.
Communication Improvements – Website addresses for each board position have been established. Brenda to check with Michael Arbor on re-direct page to provide new website address in place of auto-redirect action. A letter to update contact information for homeowner, as well as gather information such as owner/renter occupied and permission to post contact information on HMW website is being drafted by Jon. Website will have protected area containing homeowner directory and password will only be provided to those who respond to mailing and are current on their dues. Treasurer position will keep master list and provide most current data to the secretary as mailings are needed. A separate bill will be mailed in October/November for the annual dues to increase our percentage of on-time payments. An additional sign and lettering set were approved for purchase; Jon will place order. The signs will be placed at each end of Paddlewheel to reduce communicating to non-HMW traffic. Our homeowners on Harps Mill Road will be notified of this change and the reasoning behind it.
Approval Requests – There is a request to approve a Ham Radio antenna. MJ is working to get more information and pictures to the board for a review of this request.
Next Meeting: June 10, 2008 at Harp Mill Woods pool.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Board Meeting Minutes 4/17/07
Harps Mill Woods HOA, INC.
April 17, 2007 Board Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Board members: Carole Springfield, Rob Smith, Jon Lee, Brenda Campbell by proxy to Carole Springfield.
Others: Michael Arber, Lois Foster, John Booker, Ron Alford
7:05 Call to order by Carole Springfield
Minutes approved
Furniture: Rob has plans to purchase extra pool furniture including tables and umbrellas. They will most likely be stored in the bathrooms in the off season. The budget is $2000.
Social: Brenda has made plans for social activities for the remainder of the year. A function similar to last years pig pickin’ has been considered but with a smaller budget the event will likely be hot dogs and burgers. Although alcoholic beverages are not prohibited everyone agreed the HOA should not supply alcohol for any of its functions. Brenda is also considering an event tailored to middle school age children.
Parking: Lois remarked that parking is still a problem on Harps Mill Woods Run. Michael agreed to focus on that street and make sure everyone understands the parking rules. There might be a language barrier.
The Board decided police cars are except from street parking covenants because they are an effective crime deterrent. Of course you can still ask your policeman neighbor to move his car.
Pool: There are no by-laws that prohibit the HOA from granting pool access to non-HOA members. Without a restriction the HOA could give pool access to non-HOA members. A restriction was debated but not passed (1-3). Jon and Lois were not in favor of allowing pool access to non-HOA members.
A motion was made to create a pool committee but it did not get a second.
Carole will contact Mark and she will make the arrangements for pool chemical checks this summer.
Next Board meeting will be 7:00pm June 12 at Golden Corral on Millbrook.
8:20 Adjourned by Carole Springfield