Board Meeting Minutes 04/14/09

Board Members in Attendance:

  • President – MJ Jones
  • Vice President – Ron Alford
  • Treasurer – Jon Lee
  • Secretary – Brenda Campbell
  • Board Member – Janet Cummings

Homeowners in attendance – 2

The meeting was called to order by President Mark Jones at 7:08 pm. The minutes for the previous HOA board meeting on February 3, 2008 were not approved. Secretary needs to send to Janet again for her approval.

Old Business:

Financial – Budget Reviewed. Payment needs to be sent for Easter event. Late notices are being sent around the 11th of each month to the 14 remaining past due accounts. Only 1 is more than 1 year in arrears and it is a foreclosure. Otherwise, budgeted expenses are on schedule, with less past due accounts than normal for April.

Pool – Keys will be made to bring stock up to 25 for the season. List of past due accounts given to Secretary, so that keys will not be given out until dues are current. Most pool keys & copy of list will be given to MJ, due to his availability & proximity to the pool.

Communication – Website updates needed on term expiration years; Jon & Ron expire in 2011 and MJ & Janet in 2012, Brenda in 2010.

Compliance Issues – Tow truck on Harps Mill Woods has been addressed and is now parked inside his garage.

New Business:

Compliance Issues – Grass cutting issues will only be given a 10-day written notice period; however, personal contact will be made by a board member to remind homeowners to keep their lawn looking neat. Secretary will send periodic reminders via email announcements and add to the website.

Tree Trimming – We will look into posting tree pruning clarifications (City of Raleigh vs. homeowner responsibility) on the website, as well as reminder announcements. Paddlewheel and Harp Mill Road have the most tree height issues the sidewalks.

Communication – We will try to add links to City of Raleigh ordinance and helpful government links for new homeowners as a courtesy and reminder about general rule on pets, lawn watering, etc. Secretary will check with webmaster on any limitations.

Future Meeting Dates – Board has tentative set meetings for the following dates, which will be posted on website: June 9, August 4, October 6, December 1.

Pool Opening Date – Will be set his week and sent out via email and posted to website, as well as the sign displayed. We are opening earlier than most neighborhoods.

Sign Repair – Entrance sign needs to be replaced (attached portion, not the concrete). Ron will gather estimates and send via email to all board members for approval. Repairs have been repeated and are not working.

Meeting adjourned at 8:02 pm.

Next Meeting: June 9, 2009 at the HMW pool, weather permitting at 7 pm.

Board Meeting Minutes 02/03/09

Board Members in Attendance:

  • President – MJ Jones
  • Vice President – Ron Alford
  • Treasurer – Jon Lee
  • Secretary – Brenda Campbell
  • Board Member – Lois Foster

The meeting was called to order by President Mark Jones at 7:04 pm. The minutes for the previous HOA board meeting on December 12, 2008 were distributed for review and approved.

Board officers were introduced and provided comments on the events of 2008, as follows:

President: It was a good year. We completed the pathway steps that were a major safety hazard and have accepted a bid to replace the pebble-walkway in the next few weeks. The board worked well as a team to face some challenges due to foreclosures in the neighborhood. We responded to all neighbor complaints as quickly as possible and rely on all homeowners to notify us of violations. We are working hard to keep rules enforced.

Vice President: We had two well attended events at Easter and Halloween with plans to continue that tradition. Signs used to announce events must be kept off right-of-way areas on Harps Mill Road, so please look for these at each end of Paddlewheel Drive.

Treasurer: Improvements have been put into place to help track changes in home ownership. We recovered most of a 3-year annual dues balance when foreclosure sold. Our CPA has approved this past year’s financial review. The 2009 pool maintenance contract includes new fuel surcharge costs based on gas prices. Currently there are still 18 outstanding dues owed for 2009 and 1 outstanding from 2008.

Secretary: Several issues that were presented to the board for resolution during 2008 were resolved. These included a blocked drainage ditch, restricted wildlife on homeowner property and several yards where grass was not kept cut in a timely manner. Registered letters were sent to correct these issues and all property owners complied, with only one bank-owned property being charged for lawn maintenance. Website enhancements and contact information updates are improving communication between board members and all homeowners, so please use our various contact methods to reach us.

Homeowner Questions: Several homeowners in attendance inquired about process of rule enforcement. The board acts on all complaints and their own observations. We have worked hard this past year to improve communication between the board and all homeowners, as well as among the board itself to provide quicker responses. The 30-day notice period for violations on grass height will probably be reassessed this coming year, but that is a reasonable time period for most violations to be resolved without fines. Email reminders were requested for those who provided them on their contact information forms and the secretary will implement that as quickly as possible. The board emphasized their goal of improved communication, so please report any rules violation that you see as quickly as possible via email, phone or letter.

Board Member Elections: There were two vacant board positions for expiring terms and three homeowners for consideration (profiles were provided in the January letter). Lois Foster was thanked for her efforts in soliciting candidates; she did a wonderful job stepping in to fill a mid-year vacancy in August. No additional candidates were put forth at the meeting and ballots were tallied as follows: Janet Cummings – 11 votes, Nabil Rahman – 10 votes and Mark Jones – 16 votes.

Congratulations Janet & Mark.

Annual meeting was adjourned at 8:08 pm and board members convened for a short meeting to elect officers for the coming year.

Board Meeting – February 3, 2009

Officer Elections: All current officers will retain their current positions. Janet Cummings was welcomed and will not hold an officer position this year.

Action Items: Secretary will make sure that authorization to have pool keys duplicated is expanded to cover all board members at Busse’s Locksmith before next meeting. The need to have a ‘Disaster Plan’ in place to prevent the loss of HOA historical documents, as well as board member replacement procedures will be topics for discussion at the April meeting. Pool keys will need to be ordered for the upcoming season.

Next Meeting: April 14, 2009 at the HMW pool, weather permitting at 7 pm. Pool will not be open for use, but Mark will remove padlock.