Board Meeting Minutes 10-5-2010

Board Members in Attendance:

  • President – Mark Jones
  • Vice President – Janet Cummings
  • Treasurer – Brenda Campbell
  • Secretary – Ron Alford
  • Board Member – Jon Lee

Additional homeowners in attendance: Gregory Wiggs and Sam McGarvey

The meeting was called to order by President Mark Jones at 7:00 pm. The minutes from the August 3rd 2010 HOA meeting were approved.

Officers Reports:


Mark indicated that he was pleased with the community support and attendance (40 to 50) at the Pig Pickin’ and recommended a repeat for next season.

Mark stated that he obtained an estimate on the cost of the Holly bushes ($8.00 to $12.00/bush) for the pool from Troy Olsen. It was estimated that we would need 12 bushes. Mark agreed to get an estimate on the total cost of the bushes and planting the bushes.

Mark indicated that Troy Olsen trimmed the bank of weeds behind the pool this pool season on a monthly basis for a total of five times at a total cost of $250.00.It was noted that by keeping the bank clean, we did not have as much of a problem with insects and ticks as before.

Mark indicated that he would get an estimate of the cost of pea gravel for the walkway.

Mark indicated that the pool was closed October 3rd, 2010 and that the plumbing would be drained and cut-off by 10-9-2010 and pool furniture stored from the weather.

Vice President

Janet Cummings informed the meeting attendees that one of our homeowners planned a social gathering with friends recently and that the homeowner printed and dispensed written notices to the other homeowners on the street as a courtesy. This was proactive and considerate. Sam McGarvey indicated that the gathering was orderly and not a boisterous event and he appreciated the notice of the party from the homeowner.

As with this social gathering and other homeowner parties, we must all remain conscious of the lack of space that our neighborhood has for visitor parking. As a Board, we do not want to discourage homeowners from having gatherings of friends and family members in their homes. With the holiday season coming forth, we will have and welcome friends and family members visiting our homes and neighborhood.

AS A REMINDER, please park in your driveways first, secondly, use the pool parking lot for overflow parking and thirdly use on-street parking.

A SUGGESTION, if you use on-street parking for an overflow of guests, try to have them park on the same side of the street so that emergency vehicles have room to pass safely.

THE REASON WHY, Gregory Wiggs, homeowner and volunteer fireman, stated that the typical fire truck is eleven feet WIDE and with our narrow streets the fire truck cannot pass when there are cars parked on both sides of the street. For a typical emergency such as a house fire, FIVE EMERGENCY VEHICLES COME TO THE SCENE. All of us as homeowners must be conscious of these facts and make sure that we are not creating a barrier to a fellow home owner being able to have emergency care, if needed.

The Board agreed to put this reminder in the annual letter and Gregory Wiggs, volunteer fireman, agreed to speak to the importance of this subject at our Annual Meeting.

For those homeowners who are interested in the Wake County/Raleigh City parking regulations, you can link to the following website link for that information:,0


Brenda Campbell, HOA Treasurer, provided a copy of and reviewed the budget balances of the 10-15-2010 Treasurers Report. Brenda continues to communicate with the few homeowners delinquent on their 2010 HOA dues and is encouraged that most will be able to meet their obligation.

Brenda indicated that we received a notice from Wake County Government reflecting new regulations for pool fencing. It is the Board’s belief that we meet the new standards, but Jon Lee suggested and the rest of the Board agreed that we be proactive and have the Wake County Government officer inspect our fencing as soon as possible to ensure that we are in compliance before our next pool season.

Brenda complimented and thanked our past Treasurer, Jon Lee, for putting the HOA bills on auto draft. It is efficient and makes the accounting process easier to manage.

Brenda requested that we have a tree removal expert estimate the removal cost of those trees on the HOA common properties that are dead and need to be removed. The HOA President, Mark Jones, stated that he would arrange that estimate.

Brenda asked if there were any other budget needs different from our regular expenses. Mark indicated that we may need to consider replacing a few of the pool side lounges that are not repairable.

Brenda will contact Jason at the DOH about clearing accumulated debris by 540 that has created a dam for the rain runoff, which overflows into homeowner yards.

New Business

Annual Meeting will be on February 1st 2011 at the Golden Corral Restaurant.

Ron and Charlene Alford will check into the cost of the materials for holiday luminaries for this season and report to Janet Cummings, Vice President.

Ron Alford, Secretary of HOA, will send out another bulk email asking homeowners if there is an interest in having some progressive dinners with each other.
Board agreed to have walls of pool bathrooms painted before the 2011 pool season.

The meeting was adjourned by Mark Jones at approximately 8:00 pm.

The next meeting will be on December 7th 2010 at 7:00pm at the Golden Corral Restaurant at 2909 E. Millbrook.


North CAC Report – September 2010

The North CAC (Citizen Advisory Committee) meets on the first Thursday of each month at the Millbrook Exchange Park on Spring Forest Road. At each meeting, there is usually a crime report from a police sergeant that works in our area, as well as discussion and voting on rezoning issues before they are submitted to the city council. The CAC meetings are open to all citizens of the CAC district. There are 18 CACs in Raleigh.

At the September 2nd meeting, it was reported that during the month of August, there were 49 car break-ins and 25 home break-ins in our area. The sergeant presenting stated that most of the car break-ins were simple smash-and-grabs aimed at stealing items that were visible within the vehicles. The sergeant compared criminals looking for easily-stolen goods to ants seeking sugar. Once one ant finds some sugar, you can be sure that more will show up. For the sake of everyone in our neighborhood, please hide all valuables if you park outdoors.

At the September 2nd meeting, we also discussed rezoning of the lot on the southeast corner of Litchford and Falls of the Neuse. The owner’s wish is to have a residential lot rezoned to office and industrial, the same zoning status as the adjacent land to the south on Falls and to the east on Litchford. A vote on this change will occur at the October meeting.

On Thursday, September 9th at noon, there will be a dedication of Immigrant Gate, the sculpture by Jim Galluci that was recently installed at the Millbrook Exchange Park.

The next meeting of the North CAC will be on October 7th. The agenda for the current meeting may be found on the right-hand side of the CAC page on Raleigh’s site or at this link (PDF).

Board Meeting Minutes 8-3-2010

Board Members in Attendance:

  • President – Mark Jones
  • Vice President – Janet Cummings
  • Treasurer – Brenda Campbell
  • Secretary – Ron Alford
  • Board Member – Jon Lee

Additional homeowners in attendance: Lois Foster, Kim Loy and Pete Cummings

The meeting was called to order by President Mark Jones at 7:00 pm. The minutes from the June 8th 2010 HOA meeting were approved.

Officers Reports:


  • Mark indicated that the “No Trespassing” signs were received and put into place by Ron Alford and that there had been positive responses from homeowners regarding the addition of the signs.
  • Mark installed a lock on the motion light switch at the pool, which insured that the motion lights remain active at all times until the Board changes the policy.
  • Mark indicated that Troy Olsen was trimming the bank of weeds behind the pool on a monthly basis
  • Shrubbery will be planted during the Fall of 2010 along the back fence of the pool matching existing shrubbery along the adjacent sides.
  • Mark indicated that he would take care of getting some additional pebbles for the pathway before the Fall.

Vice President

  • The Board indicated a continued need for the HOA to re-activate the Architectural Committee. This committee would be responsible for establishing structural changes requested by homeowners. Once the standards are established by the Architectural Committee, they would present such to the Board for review, discussion and approval. The Architectural Committee should consist of homeowners not on the Board. Three homeowners volunteered at this meeting to serve on the Architectural Committee, including Kim Loy, Pete Cummings and Lois Foster. A suggestion was made that no more than five members be assigned to the Architectural Committee, ideally, at least one representative from each street in the Association. Since all of the homes have been constructed in our development, most modifications are fences, decks and porches, storage buildings, etc. Currently, the President and Vice President provide the reviews and suggestions for consistency in the neighborhood. The goal is to have more of the homeowners in our neighborhood participating in the suggestions and decisions for improvement and in our neighborhood. The Board will continue to discuss this idea in future meetings.
  • Janet and Pete Cummings developed a printed flyer announcing the upcoming “Pig Pickin” and pool party scheduled for September 11th 2010 beginning at 1:00 pm. The flyers will be hand delivered to each homeowner in the neighborhood as well as emailed to those residents on our email list within the next 10 days. The flyer will also be posted on the HOA website. RSVP’s are required so that we can plan on the needed quantity of pig, slaw and soft drinks. Families by alphabet are designated to bring side dishes or desserts.


  • Brenda Campbell reviewed the budget balances for the 8-3-2010 Treasurers Report. Brenda has had good success in calling and emailing those homeowners who have not yet paid their 2010 HOA dues. was determined that it is not cost effective to place liens on properties of late payers, unless the property owner is behind at least two years. We have 8 properties that are still past due for 2010 and 2 that owe for 2009 and 2010. Interest is charged on late accounts. More severe action to collect past due account can be used including a property lien. Brenda will provide further details to the board on all legal options available for collecting on overdue accounts and their associated costs by the next meeting for consideration. Any homeowner with questions about their HOA dues account should contact Brenda Campbell directly.

New Business

  • We will have a tent, several tables and coolers in place for the upcoming “Pig Pickin” on September 11th 2010.
  • Amy Powell has volunteered to coordinate some pool games for the children during the event. If there are other neighbors who want to volunteer to help, please contact Janet Cummings at 872-0591 or at

The meeting was adjourned by Mark Jones at approximately 8:00 pm.

The next meeting will be on October 5th 2010 at 7:00pm. Depending on the weather, we will decide at a date closer to the meeting date on the place of the meeting.

Board Meeting Minutes 6-8-2010

Board Members in Attendance:

  • President – Mark Jones
  • Vice President – Janet Cummings
  • Treasurer – Brenda Campbell
  • Secretary – Ron Alford
  • Board Member – Jon Lee (not present)

Additional homeowners in attendance: Lois Foster

The meeting was called to order by President Mark Jones at 7:00 pm. The minutes from the April 12th 2010 HOA meeting were approved.

Officers Reports:


  • Mark Jones reported that the pool was up fitted with all of the newly required modifications, passed city inspections and was opened in May 2010.
  • As a part of the pool modifications, a new paint was used, which should last 10 years instead of the normal 5 year period.
  • Mark asked that we obtain estimates for at least three metal signs to be placed at or near the pool which indicate that the pool use is for homeowners and or their guests. All others will be asked to leave and considered trespassers who will be charged accordingly. Ron Alford agreed to obtain some estimates for the signs.
  • Mark stated that the bathroom floors at the pool were painted and we would plan to get the walls painted by the next season.
  • Mark requested a lock box be installed for the motion light switch at the pool.
  • Mark indicated that he would contact Troy Olsen about trimming the bank of weeds behind the pool, ideally on a monthly basis. – “He is scheduled to come monthly during the pool season”
  • Shrubbery would be planted during the Fall of 2010 along the back fence of the pool matching existing shrubbery along the adjacent sides.
  • Mark indicated that he was getting an estimate on the cost for some additional pebbles for the pathway.

Vice President

  • Janet Cummings indicated a need for the HOA to re-activate the Architectural Committee. This committee would be responsible for evaluating proposed structural changes requested by homeowners. Since all of the homes have been constructed in our development, most modifications are fences, decks and porches, storage buildings, etc. Currently, the President and Vice President provide the reviews and suggestions for consistency in the neighborhood. It was agreed that those homeowners who are familiar with previously established standards for home modifications would research and document those standards and bring them to the August 2010 Board Meeting for discussion.

    The Board would then decide on whether there is a need for re-activating the

    Architectural Committee and ask for volunteers to serve on the committee.

  • Janet also suggested that we combine the September Pool Party for the children and the Pig Pickin and have it on Saturday, September 11th 2010. It was agreed that the HOA would provide the Pig, slaw; soft drinks, plates, plastic ware and party favors for the children. The homeowners will be asked to bring a covered dish.
  • Janet and Brenda indicated that the annual liability insurance was paid for 2010 and a copy of the policy is on file.


  • Brenda Campbell reviewed the budget balances for the 6-7-2010 Treasurers Report.
  • Brenda has been in contact with the Dept of Highways about the continuing beavers issue along 540. Earlier this spring another dam created standing water behind specific properties on Harps Mill Woods Run. Brenda and Mark will be reviewing drainage near this area to see if it is related and what action needs to be taken.
  • Brenda will be calling those homeowners who have not yet paid their 2010 HOA dues and requesting payment as soon as possible. Interest charges will be added to late payers. A few homeowners are two or more years behind in payments and liens will be placed on the properties in question before sending out new notices with updated interest charges. She will also investigate the cost and procedures for placing liens on properties that are 2 or more years behind in payments.

New Business

  1. A motion was made, seconded and the vote was unanimous to not permit non- HOA members to pay for use of the pool. The pool is to be enjoyed and used by the homeowners and their guests.
  2. The home at 7833 Harps Mill Woods Run was sold and the new owners are in the process of completing inside renovations.
  3. The home at 8633 Harps Mill has been rented and Mark will visit the renter, provide the Rules for the use of the Pool and a pool key.
  4. Pool keys are not to be given to non- HOA members in order to use the pool.
  5. “No trespassing” signs will be obtained and placed at and around the pool in at least three locations

The meeting was adjourned by Mark Jones at approximately 8:00 pm.

The next meeting will be on August 3rd 2010 at 7:00pm at the pool.