Board Members in Attendance:
- President – Mark Jones
- Vice President – Janet Cummings
- Treasurer – Brenda Campbell
- Secretary – Ron Alford
- Board Member – Jon Lee
Additional homeowners in attendance: Lois Foster, Kim Loy and Pete Cummings
The meeting was called to order by President Mark Jones at 7:00 pm. The minutes from the June 8th 2010 HOA meeting were approved.
Officers Reports:
- Mark indicated that the “No Trespassing” signs were received and put into place by Ron Alford and that there had been positive responses from homeowners regarding the addition of the signs.
- Mark installed a lock on the motion light switch at the pool, which insured that the motion lights remain active at all times until the Board changes the policy.
- Mark indicated that Troy Olsen was trimming the bank of weeds behind the pool on a monthly basis
- Shrubbery will be planted during the Fall of 2010 along the back fence of the pool matching existing shrubbery along the adjacent sides.
- Mark indicated that he would take care of getting some additional pebbles for the pathway before the Fall.
Vice President
- The Board indicated a continued need for the HOA to re-activate the Architectural Committee. This committee would be responsible for establishing structural changes requested by homeowners. Once the standards are established by the Architectural Committee, they would present such to the Board for review, discussion and approval. The Architectural Committee should consist of homeowners not on the Board. Three homeowners volunteered at this meeting to serve on the Architectural Committee, including Kim Loy, Pete Cummings and Lois Foster. A suggestion was made that no more than five members be assigned to the Architectural Committee, ideally, at least one representative from each street in the Association. Since all of the homes have been constructed in our development, most modifications are fences, decks and porches, storage buildings, etc. Currently, the President and Vice President provide the reviews and suggestions for consistency in the neighborhood. The goal is to have more of the homeowners in our neighborhood participating in the suggestions and decisions for improvement and in our neighborhood. The Board will continue to discuss this idea in future meetings.
- Janet and Pete Cummings developed a printed flyer announcing the upcoming “Pig Pickin” and pool party scheduled for September 11th 2010 beginning at 1:00 pm. The flyers will be hand delivered to each homeowner in the neighborhood as well as emailed to those residents on our email list within the next 10 days. The flyer will also be posted on the HOA website. RSVP’s are required so that we can plan on the needed quantity of pig, slaw and soft drinks. Families by alphabet are designated to bring side dishes or desserts.
- Brenda Campbell reviewed the budget balances for the 8-3-2010 Treasurers Report. Brenda has had good success in calling and emailing those homeowners who have not yet paid their 2010 HOA dues. was determined that it is not cost effective to place liens on properties of late payers, unless the property owner is behind at least two years. We have 8 properties that are still past due for 2010 and 2 that owe for 2009 and 2010. Interest is charged on late accounts. More severe action to collect past due account can be used including a property lien. Brenda will provide further details to the board on all legal options available for collecting on overdue accounts and their associated costs by the next meeting for consideration. Any homeowner with questions about their HOA dues account should contact Brenda Campbell directly.
New Business
- We will have a tent, several tables and coolers in place for the upcoming “Pig Pickin” on September 11th 2010.
- Amy Powell has volunteered to coordinate some pool games for the children during the event. If there are other neighbors who want to volunteer to help, please contact Janet Cummings at 872-0591 or at [email protected].
The meeting was adjourned by Mark Jones at approximately 8:00 pm.
The next meeting will be on October 5th 2010 at 7:00pm. Depending on the weather, we will decide at a date closer to the meeting date on the place of the meeting.